[] 2024-05-02

- Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when using effect beam Fx
- Fixed a crash that occurred when drag & drop scene in stand alone window
- Fixed an issue with multibeam with general Dimmer
- Fixed an issue when writing static scene into Siudi 9
- Fixed an issue with Step selection with shift + up/down arrow
- Fixed an issue when duplicating a touch page
- Fixed an issue when mapping extra colours channel in 'Colour features'
- Fixed an issue with data feedback with OSC mapping
- Fixed an issue with the focus on some windows which causes problem on keyboard mapping
- Global/Bank pause stop the audio plays in superscene
- Stop the audio plays when suprescene reach the end
- Fixed a regression with MIDI mappings settings
- Minor graphic bugs
New features and Improvements:
- Improved lock window feature
- Improved feedback data for touch control
- Manage ID beam selection with fan

[] 2024-04-09

- Fixed a problem of communication with the 3D
- Fixed a problem with fullscreen

[5.0.4] 2024-03-26

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that occurred when importing patch
- Fixed an issue with extra colours in advanced colour dialog
- Fixed an issue with mappings on FX parameters, Pause scene, Feature On/Off, scene Playback
- Fixed an issue with dimmer on multi beam fixtures
New features and Improvements
- Add Beat Grid display feature in Super Scene Timeline
- Add BPM Driving Mode in Super Scene
- Add option to disable loop of block content in Super Scene
- Add possibility to change the speed of block content in Super Scene
- Add media block waveform zoom
- Improved Stand Alone device management
- Improved USB device opening
- Increased limit number for colour Touch Ctrl
- Add feature to export FX Engine to steps scene
- Add feature to compress step list
- Add drag-drop feature to Stand Alone window
- Minor UI change

[] 2023-10-25

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that occurred when using Pan/Tilt limitation feature
- Fixed a crash that occurred when refreshing Mapping state shortcuts
- Fixed a crash that occurred when refreshing Touch window
New features and Improvements
- Improve Stand Alone writing error messages

[5.0.3] 2023-10-13

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a problem in Stand Alone writing
- Minor graphic bugs
- Fixed a crash that occurred when opening a project with OSC data
- Fixed a problem with dimmer automation in superscene
- Fixed a problem with hardware detection
- Fixed a problem with MIDI open out
New features and Improvements
- Add docking feature in Touch view
- Add new mapping control (next/previous bank, group, Fixtures, select fixture, effect param ...)
- Add color palette management for colors in effect and favorite color
- Add possibility to load/save template for mappings
- Add possibility to see and patch user SSL files from the cloud
- Mappings limitations per control is increased to 10
- Mapping and color palette presets
- Touch Full screen handling
- Add OSC Watcher
- Add Touch horizontal sliders
- Minor UI change